Fractal Visions.


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  • Fractal Visions.
    Nov 17, 2024

    Lanzamiento del MVP de Fractal Visions

    Fractal Visions, una plataforma de mercado descentralizada basada en el concepto de lasupercadena, ha lanzado oficialmente su nuevo mercado, posicionándose como un actor fundamental en el ecosistema de la cadena de bloques. Este mercado innovador aprovecha el poder de la supercadena (una red de cadenas de bloques escalable e interoperable) para ofrecer una experiencia de usuario perfecta a los creadores, coleccionistas y comerciantes de activos digitales. Estos son algunos de los aspectos más destacados del mercado de Fractal Visions: 1.Integración de supercadenas Fractal Visions ha integrado la infraestructura de la supercadena para garantizar una alta escalabilidad, bajos costos de transacción y tiempos de liquidación rápidos. Al aprovechar esta arquitectura, Fractal Visions puede ofrecer interoperabilidad entre cadenas, lo que permite a los usuarios realizar transacciones sin problemas en diferentes ecosistemas de cadenas de bloques. Esta es una ventaja significativa con respecto a las redes de cadenas de bloques tradicionales y aisladas, ya que proporciona a los usuarios más flexibilidad y acceso a una gama más amplia de activos digitales. 2.Mercado descentralizado La plataforma Fractal Visions funciona de manera totalmente descentralizada, lo que permite a los usuarios mantener el control total sobre sus activos digitales. Los artistas, creadores y coleccionistas pueden intercambiar y exhibir libremente NFT y otros artículos digitales sin la interferencia de entidades centralizadas. Esta naturaleza descentralizada mejora la transparencia, reduce el riesgo de censura y proporciona un entorno confiable para los usuarios. 3.Funciones centradas en el usuario El mercado está diseñado teniendo en cuenta la experiencia del usuario. Ofrece una interfaz sencilla e intuitiva para navegar, comprar y vender fácilmente NFT y otros activos digitales. Fractal Visions incluye funciones de búsqueda avanzada, recomendaciones personalizadas y un sistema de pujas avanzado para ventas tipo subasta. 4.Soporte multicadena Fractal Visions admite múltiples cadenas de bloques, lo que permite a los usuarios conectar sus carteras a través de varias redes. Esto incluye la compatibilidad con Optimism, Base, Mode y otras redes líderes de nivel 2. El enfoque multicadena garantiza que los usuarios puedan acceder a una amplia gama de activos e interactuar con una gran audiencia global. 5.Céntrate en los creadores Fractal Visions ofrece oportunidades únicas para que los creadores rentabilicen su trabajo. Al proporcionar a los creadores la propiedad total de sus activos y ofrecer modelos flexibles de reparto de ingresos, la plataforma garantiza que los artistas y desarrolladores puedan prosperar dentro de un ecosistema descentralizado. Además, los creadores pueden establecer estructuras de regalías que les permitan obtener ingresos de las ventas secundarias de sus obras. 6.Características innovadoras El mercado incorpora tecnología de vanguardia, como recomendaciones de contenido basadas en inteligencia artificial y funciones de seguridad mejoradas, lo que garantiza que la plataforma se mantenga a la vanguardia de los mercados basados en cadenas de bloques. Además, Fractal Visions está trabajando en la integración de las funciones de VR (Realidad Virtual) y AR (Realidad Aumentada) para que los usuarios puedan disfrutar de los activos digitales en entornos inmersivos. 7.Participación comunitaria Fractal Visions se compromete a construir una comunidad sólida en torno a su plataforma. El mercado apoya la gobernanza impulsada por la comunidad, lo que permite a los usuarios participar en los procesos de toma de decisiones y contribuir a la evolución de la plataforma. Ya sea votando sobre las propuestas o participando en interacciones sociales, los usuarios están en el centro del ecosistema. 8.Sostenibilidad y respeto al medio ambiente Como parte de su compromiso con la sostenibilidad, Fractal Visions está optimizando su red para lograr la eficiencia energética, garantizando que la plataforma funcione con una huella ambiental mínima. Esto se alinea con la tendencia más amplia de conciencia ecológica dentro de la industria de la cadena de bloques. El lanzamiento del nuevo mercado de Fractal Visions marca un importante paso adelante en la evolución de las plataformas descentralizadas basadas en supercadenas. Al combinar el poder de la interoperabilidad, la descentralización y el diseño centrado en el usuario, Fractal Visions está preparada para cambiar la forma en que se crean, comercializan y experimentan los activos digitales. La perfecta integración del mercado con múltiples cadenas de bloques, junto con su enfoque en empoderar a los creadores y fomentar la participación de la comunidad, lo posicionan como uno de los principales contendientes en el ecosistema de activos digitales en rápido crecimiento.

    • Fractal Visions
    • NFT marketplace
  • Fractal Visions.
    Sep 09, 2023

    Fractal Visions Platform Update

    Here is a full update for our commitment & progress towards the development of our impact maker platform on Optimism. This past month we participated in the Gitcoin GG18 fundraising round which is helping our development team to finish the process of onchain integration for users of the platform. We now await the quadratic funding announcement from Gitcoin to allocate to our UI/UX , Smart Contract, and Front End Design Team ! During this round of GG18 I had the pleasure of teaching all the other projects that participated in a 2 week long Gitcoin Radio event on X about the Optimism network & opportunities in the ecosystem for grant funding. I was also able to educate the folks who help run Gitcoin, Grantees, and Donors more about Retroactive Public Goods Funding on Optimism then they may have known previously. Which is a huge success to align with another ecosystem that is a continuous conduit of funding for projects in web3. Here you can check in the post below to see where our project has been given credit by the Latam community page CryptoConexión for help with information in the last cycle 15 submissions phase. Gitcoin is where our original idea to build a self sustaining platform for other creators was born. During this past round of Gitcoin we have made many changes in the way that we categorize projects and have implemented new genre’s such as ReFi (Regenerative Finance) & DeSci (Decentralized Science) to improve the value alignment of our platform with the regenerative movement that is currently underway in the web3 ecosystem. Optimism has become the home of this platform that we are focusing on in order to reiterate the the ethos of public goods. We will strive to become advocates of the Optimism network & continually donate directly to the RETROPGF.ETH address from a dozen different revenue streams coming from of personal art collections we have created in the past. Encouraging other creators to also use this same approach in order to continue growing the pie larger and larger for everyone to share. Constant advocacy & education amongst others on social media is important to us as knowledge unlocks the power that everyone is constantly seeking to navigate their way throughout the space. Despite our Builders Grant Application being denied 2 times now in Cycle 14 & Cycle 15 we are still committed to providing a safe environment for creators to connect with their audience. Our commitment to the growth of the OP Stack runs deep as recipients of funding from the RPGF rewards from Round #2 we have used 60% of the $OP tokens to pay our developers in order to bring our vision to life that will assist other impact makers on their mission…!!! We still have some tasks to accomplish before everything is onchain but we are very close after 10 months now of working with our team. Any extra support is appreciated…! Here is a 7 minute demo of the work that is in progress for our new platform…!

    • NFT marketplace
    • Retroactive Public Goods
  • 0xb7c7...8154.
    Apr 12, 2023

    be fractal family

    It's a project I've been aware of late, but I'm still lucky to be a part of it. I will try to be with our artists until the end, as much as I can. I'm having a little trouble getting discord roles because I don't have a predisposition to discord. I don't know what is the simplest and easiest way to do this, because we have our current works and other projects we follow. That's why I'm a little behind

    • Fractal Visions
  • Jocee.
    Apr 09, 2023

    Fractal Visions Feedback

    I admire and respect Fractal Visions Mission and am blown away with the artistry. Looking for feedback on how to maximize my expereince and contribution. Thank you

    • Fractal Visions
    Respuesta Oficial
  • carlesdh.
    Mar 26, 2023

    Fractal Vision - Art and Technology

    I am happy to share my optimistic opinion about Fractal Vision, a community of multifaceted artists focused on NFTs, Web3, and Layer 2 technologies such as Optimism and Arbitrum. I believe that Fractal Vision represents a truly exciting and innovative approach to the world of digital art and technology. By embracing cutting-edge platforms and tools, they are able to push the boundaries of what is possible in terms of creating and distributing digital art. One of the things I admire most about Fractal Vision is their commitment to exploring the full potential of NFTs. By using blockchain technology, they are able to create truly unique and valuable pieces of art that can be owned and traded like physical assets. This is a game-changing development in the art world, and I am thrilled to see Fractal Vision at the forefront of this movement. Furthermore, by leveraging Web3 and Layer 2 technologies like Optimism and Arbitrum, Fractal Vision is able to create a seamless and user-friendly experience for both artists and collectors. This means that more people will be able to participate in this exciting new art form, which in turn will help to drive further innovation and growth in the space. Overall, I believe that Fractal Vision is a fantastic example of how art and technology can come together to create something truly special. I am excited to see what the future holds for this community and the impact they will have on the wider world of digital art.

    • Fractal Visions
    • NFT
    • NFT marketplace
    • NFT staking
    • NFT minting
    Mejor Respuesta
  • Fractal Visions.
    Feb 09, 2023

    Optimism Attestation Station

    Would you like to have an influence on the key features for tooling of our Attestation module on Optimism? We plan on building an Attestation Station as part of our experience on the Fractal Visions NFT marketplace! WE WANT YOU ! Give us your favorite ideas & feedback ! What you woud like to see as a way for people to qualify for the Fractal Visions attestation on Optimism network. Here are a few questions to start off... 1. How many requirements should be listed ? 2. Should all options be required to pass the attestation ? 3. What kind of on-chain acheivements should be required ?

    • Fractal Visions
    • NFT
    • NFT marketplace
    • Feature request
    • Retroactive Public Goods
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  • Fractal Visions.
    Feb 01, 2023

    Fractal Visions NFT Marketplace Launch 🚀

    All of the collections within the Fractal Visions ecosystem will also be used for this native market place and the beta testing will consist of the NFT collections that we have released over the past year as a stress test before we start to introduce other artists and roll out our Dao integration with voting 🗳 throughout the future for artist curation approval from our community. CLICK HERE TO READ OUR MISSION STATEMENT Our vision is to help educate people about Public Goods & Blockchain technology ! Let's hear your thoughts about our new product development.

    • Fractal Visions
    • NFT
    • NFT marketplace
    • Feature request
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Etiquetas principales
  • Fractal Visions
  • NFT marketplace
  • NFT
  • Retroactive Public Goods
  • Feature request
  • NFT staking
  • NFT minting
  • Community Code
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